Friday, 14 September 2007

My knee

Well, I saw my GP about my knee and the Xrays show severe wear and tear, with a couple of bits of broken off ligament floating around, but as I am so young (57) he feels that it needs to be left for a while before they do anything.

Obviously I was not happy with this, so I am seeing the specialist in a couple of weeks and they are going to see if they can remove the couple of bits of broken off ligament in the back of my knee, which is probably the reason I am in so much pain.


Anonymous said...

Mary, we can than the good ol' NHS for this!  Get that knee sorted!  I'm the same age as you and I know that if you leave it to nature, you will probably develop arthritis in it.  You go, girl!

Anonymous said...

Go for the operation Mary.  You wont look back.  It can't be good having floating ligaments grinding away loose inside your knee.
Keyhole surgery is marvellous.  You will be bak to rights in no time.

Jeanie  xxx

Anonymous said...

 I would see another Doctor also.  Some things time takes care of but some things just don't get much better.


Anonymous said...

I am booked in with a specialist for a scope to be put into the back of my knee, and hopefully the loose bits of cartiledge to be removed

Anonymous said...

No wonder you are in so much pain.  I would get another opinion, perhaps waiting will make it worse.