Well here I am - apart from my graphics and pictures I made it over here in around 10 minutes using the Magic Smoke wizard - so lets hope that nothing goes wrong whilst they close down AOL journals.
We are taking a couple of days off work this week. Cannot seem to get a clear run to have a week or two off, so we are going for long week ends to eat up some of our holiday allocation. Here in the UK holiday entitlement has increased starting from last year by a couple of days a week, until next year when most people can expect the equivalent of around 5 weeks per year as a government minimum.
So we are off to visit our daughter on the South Coast, I will take her out for a spot of retail therapy and lunch, whilst the other half tramps the marshes in search of unusual birds (he assures me they are the feathered variety).
The breakfast table
5 years ago
Glad the transition went smootly for you.
Hello Mary - so glad I found you again!
Glad you made it. I hope my journals finally go through but as usual I am having troubles, sigh.
Lucky you on the holiday time. My hubby gets more days now, also - but he just uses them to do the odd chore around the house or to have a long week-end.
Glad you made the change without hassle.
B. x
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