Sunday, 11 November 2007

Oops Bad Hair Dye Day

Well I did not sleep well last night, so decided to get up bright and early and deal with the grey hair.  I had bought a new colour as I have been unable to get the one I usually buy.  It looked much the same, so imagine my shock when I turned red, instead of dark blonde.


Bob says that if I hide in amongst beech trees, which are in full autumn colours I will be well camouflaged    Wakka Wakka 


Anonymous said...

Red is never a bad color!! The pictures show it to be a lovely shade! Autumn red, is it? I was auburn haired until my mid forties, then the grey started taking over. Sure do miss my red hair! Thanks for coming by and visiting my journal and leaving a comment today!! bea

Anonymous said...

Well, red hair is "in". :)  I think at one time or another we've all done this.  I had the bright idea of going a few shades darker last year.  For some reason the color came out jet black.  I am very fair ~ I looked so goth, it was horrible!!!  Best of luck in restoring your normal color!  If you use a little Dawn dish washing detergent it will help take the color out - that is what my hairdresser told me anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot to ask about the knee surgery... it's still on? I hope you are feeling well enough and they don't reschedule it again. Keep us posted... my friend had knee surgery just days before the kids got out of school back in June, and she had a long recovery over the summer. She is walking well now, no limping and you can't tell she had surgery except for the fact that she walks better now than before. Good luck!! bea

Anonymous said...

Hey, redheads ROCK!

Anonymous said...

A lot of men think redheads very sexy!  I think it looks fine!

Anonymous said...

 My husbands favorite hair color.  It does look pretty in the pictures.


Anonymous said...

I can report that everyone so far has liked the colour, except my daughter and my 9 year old grandaughter, who has told me to sort myself our before we go to a party at the weekend, otherwise I will embarras her.  Today when I took her to school she would not look at me, but back in for a cuddle, and then turned for a quick kiss before she escaped into class.   The rest of the kids are ok with it.